Propagated by seed with scarification then immersion in water for 24 hours prior to sowing. A seed bed consisting of sand facilitates transplanting. Germination takes about 1 month with seedlings transplanted in individual pots when 2-3 leaves have developed. Pot with equal amounts of compost and sand. Transplant seedlings at 4 months.
Native to
Coffee Agroforestry Information
Tree Benefits and Uses
- Food
- Lumber
- Product
Fruits are consumed, fresh leaves can be used to preserve meat or game for several days, the oil extracted from fresh or cooked kernels is used for cooking, as a preservative used in traditional weaving, and for illumination or soap making (but in general the oil is considered of poor quality for these applications). Fresh leaves, leaf sap, pounded leaves, or ground fresh seeds are externally applied as an antiseptic and disinfectant to cleanse ulcerations, infested wounds, to treat scurf, and can be used as an insecticide against head lice and ticks, and as an insect repellent in general. The sapwood and heartwood is yellow, hard but not very durable, and is used occasionally for local construction and suitable for making match sticks.
- Unknown
Maintains water regulation and quantity.