Ideas for distributing the catalog:
If you are an organization that works with coffee sustainability, agroforestry or reforestation, we invite you to distribute this catalog throughout your network free of charge.
Commercial Printing
If you would like to print a large number of copies of this catalog for distribution, you can send the PDF file to a commercial printer. The price of digital printing is much lower than it used to be. Note, however, that the catalog may not be altered in any way, and you may not sell the catalog—it must be distributed freely (see copyright information below).
Single Copies
For a single copy or small number of copies, you may also print the catalog directly from a desktop printer (note that color printing is ideal).You can punch holes in the pages and assemble them in a three-ring binder or put the pages into plastic sleeves to help them resist weather.
Freely Available
This catalog is free and freely available for copying and noncommercial distribution under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND) license. You may distribute it through your networks but may not alter it in any way. More information on this license can be found here.