Propagated by seed and sown in nursery beds. After germination, seedlings transplanted at 1.2 m x 1.2 m in well-tilled soil (including both volcanic and poor, ferralitic soil). Weed 1 month after transplanting and again at 6 months. No maintenance is needed after one year of establishment and intercropping is possible
Native to
Coffee Agroforestry Information
Tree Benefits and Uses
- Medicinal
- Product
The root, leaves, and fruits are used to treat intestinal, gynecological, and urinary complaints. The bark is used as a tonic and as an antiseptic on skin lesions, ulcers and wounds. The leaves are used to treat dysentery, diarrhea, colic, nausea and convulsions and as a febrifuge (reduces fever), tonic and antiseptic. The fruits are used as a diuretic, laxative, emollient, emmenagogue (stimulate blood flow in pelvic area and uterus), for asthma and other respiratory problems, as a treatment for arthritic and comparable inflammations, and in cases of leucorrhoea, sapraemia, and for maladies of inner organs. Roots, leaves, and fruits may have anthelmintic (antiparasitic) properties. In traditional medicine, the parts used are administered raw or as juices, infusions, or as ointments and poultices. Root bank used as dye for batik.
- Coffee Shade